Friday, August 07, 2020

NodeJS JSON API + MongoDB + JWT + ES6 forms

Here is how to create a real-life NodeJS API together with a login form.


JavaScript for beginners - learn by doing

Learn Node.js, Express and MongoDB + JWT

We will start with the HTML representing the form as well as its JavaScript functionality:


<form id="myform">
<label for="email">Email:</label>
<input type="text" id="email" name="email" />
<label for="password">Password:</label>
<input type="password" id="password" name="password" />
<div class="button">
<button type="submit" id="loginUser">Send</button>

<div id="result"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
async function fetchData(url = '', data = {}, method, headers = {}) {
const response = await fetch(
url, {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', ...headers }, && { body: JSON.stringify(data) },
return response.json();

let form = document.querySelector('#myform');
if (form) {
form.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
{ email:, password: this.password.value },
).then((result) => {
if (result.token) {
// request the url with token
fetchData('/info', null, 'GET', { Bearer: result.token })
.then((result) => { console.log(result); });
document.querySelector('#result').innerHTML = `message: ${result.message}`;
.catch(error => console.log('error:', error));

our main node server: index.js

import express from "express";
import mongoose from "mongoose";
import dotenv from "dotenv";

// import the routes
import routes from "./routes/routes.js";

// create an express instance
const app = express();


// setup the middleware routes

// config the database credentials

// connect to the database
{ useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true },
() => console.log("connected to mongoDB")
// listen for errors
mongoose.connection.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'MongoDB connection error:'));
// listen on port 3000
app.listen(3000, () => console.log("server is running"));

application routes: routes.js

import { loginUser } from "../controllers/controller.js";
import { info } from "../controllers/info.js"; // the protected route
import { auth } from "../controllers/verifyToken.js"; // middleware for validating the token

import * as path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); // The absolute URL of the current file.
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename); // parse just the directory

const routes = app => {
app.route("/user/login").get((req, res) => { res.sendFile('formLogin.html', { root: path.join(__dirname, "../views") }); });
app.route("/user/login").post((req, res) => loginUser(req, res)); // we capture inside req, and res

app.route("/info").get(auth, (req, res) => info(req, res)); // we capture inside req, and res
// and insert the auth middleware to process the token
export default routes;

our main controller: controller.js

import mongoose from "mongoose";
mongoose.set("useCreateIndex", true);
import { userSchema } from "../models/user.js";
import jwt from "jsonwebtoken";

const User = mongoose.model("users", userSchema); // users is the name of our collection!
export const addNewUser = (req, res) => {
User.init(() => {
// init() resolves when the indexes have finished building successfully.
// in order for unique check to work

let newUser = new User(req.body); // just creating w/o saving
newUser.password = newUser.encryptPassword(req.body.password);, user) => { // now saving
if (err) {
res.json({ 'message': 'duplicate email' });

export const loginUser = (req, res) => {

if (req.body.password == null || == null) {
res.status(400).json({ 'message': 'Please provide email / password' });

User.init(() => {
User.findOne({ email: }, (err, user) => {
if (err) {
if (user == null) {
res.status(400).json({ 'message': 'Non existing user' });

// here user is the fetched user
const validPassword = user.validatePassword(req.body.password, user.password);

if (!validPassword) {
res.status(400).json({ 'message': 'Not valid password' });

// create and send a token to be able to use it in further requests
const token = jwt.sign({ _id: user._id }, process.env.TOKEN_SECRET);
res.header("auth-token", token) // set the token in the header of the response
.json({ 'token': token }); // display the token

js helper middleware for working with JWT tokens: verifyToken.js

    import jwt from "jsonwebtoken";
export const auth = (req, res, next) => {
const token = req.header("Bearer");
if (!token) return res.status(401).json({'message':'access denied'});
const verified = jwt.verify(token, process.env.TOKEN_SECRET);
if (!verified) res.status(400).message({'message':'Invalid token'});
// continue from the middleware to the next processing middleware :)

user database model: user.js

import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs';

let userSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
email: {
type: String,
requires: "Enter email",
maxlength: 50,
unique: true
password: {
type: String,
required: "Enter password",
maxlength: 65
timestamps: true

encryptPassword: (password) => {
return bcrypt.hashSync(password, bcrypt.genSaltSync(5));
validatePassword: (pass1, pass2) => {
return bcrypt.compareSync(pass1, pass2);

export { userSchema };

Congratulations !

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Web app deployment inside of Kubernetes with microk8s

based on the Kubernetes course:
1) install microk8s: sudo snap install microk8s
2) enable registry & dns: microk8s.enable registry dns

MONGODB deployment & service
3) configure the mongodb deployment
generate 2 secrets using md5sum from shell
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=--insert_here_encrypted_username-- -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=--insert_here_encrypted_password-- -e MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE=admin

4) apply the MongoDB database deployment and service
microk8s.kubectl apply -f mongodb-deployment.yaml
5) check the environment variables inside the container
5.1) enter inside the deployment:
microk8s.kubectl exec -it deployment.apps/mongodb-deployment sh
5.2) env
6.1) get inside the mongodb container:
from Docker: docker exec -it mongo bash
from Kubernetes: microk8s.kubectl exec -it mongodb-deployment--insert_your_deployment_id -- /bin/sh
6.2) authenticate to the mongodb database container:
mongo -u insert_here_encrypted_username -p insert_here_encrypted_password --authenticationDatabase admin

Our application deployment & service
7) build the docker image of our application:
docker build . -t localhost:32000/mongo-app:v1
8) test the image using port forwarding:
docker run -p 3000:3000 localhost:32000/mongo-app:v1
or: docker run  -it --rm -p 3000:3000 localhost:32000/mongo-app:v1
9) push the image into the kubernetes registry
docker push localhost:32000/mongo-app:v1
10) apply our custom application: microk8s.kubectl apply -f mongo.yaml
11) check whether the IP addresses of the service and pods match. This means that the service endpoints are correctly set and math the created pods:
microk8s.kubectl describe service
microk8s.kubectl get pod -o wide


Friday, July 17, 2020

Permissions inside and outside of Docker containers

References: Docker for web developers course.

1) In Dockerfile, when building a container:
Inside the Dockerfile we can fix the container directory permissions: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/nginx ->in order to let nginx to function properly

volumes & not empty dir -> files are copied from the dir to volume
bind mount & not empty dir -> if there are files they stay, nothing is being copied from the bind mount point

2) In docker-compose.yml

- volumes (volume:/var/lib/myslq) inherit the permissions and ownership from the user created the image - usually root.

- bind mounts (/my/own/datadir:/var/lib/mysql) - the permissions and ownership are the same as the directory on your host.

Even if in the Dockerfile we have: USER node or in docker-compose is specified user: "node:node", the local directory will be mounted preserving its UID:GID in the container, ignoring the USER directive.

Special case: when doing bind-mount and the uid in container != uid on host:
Solution is to change the ownership of the local dir before building the container and creating the bind with the same user/group: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/nginx
There is a catch: when local uid <> container uid in the container then we will have mismatched permissions. We can solve this problem using UID/GID synchronization:
// optional
Check the user running the container from the dockerhub image: USER directive.
id -u
Check the container user to which group belongs (find its UID)
cat /etc/passwd | grep nevyan
id, groups, grep nevyan /etc/group
// end optional

1) Check the user which runs the server inside the container
ps aux | grep apache(server_name)
2) When having proper UID:GID, we again use chown but this time not with user/group names, but with UID:GUIDs

MySQL example: By default the MySQL image uses a non-root user with uid=1001. If we try to bind mount a local /var/lib/mysql (MySQL data directory not owned by UID 1001), to a non-root docker container - this will fail. Since user 1001 (from the container) needs to perform read/write operations to our local directory.
Solution: change the local directory permissions with numeric UID/GID expected by the container: sudo chown -R 1001 /my/own/datadir

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Install Wine & run Windows programs on Ubuntu 20.04 / 20.10

Wine is a preferred windows emulator when you want to run native Windows applications on Linux. Here is how easy is to install Wine on Ubuntu 20.04
For more information on Linux, I recommend taking the Practical Ubuntu Linux Server for beginners course.

Just follow the steps:

1) install wine32 first in order to include the i386 libraries:

apt install wine32 and wine

2) install winetricks in order to easily install external windows libraries. If you want to know which libraries are required just run wine your_app.exe and check the produced log:

apt install winetricks

3) use winetrics dlls combined with the libraries required by your application:

winetricks dlls mfc42 vcrun2010

4) run wine somefile.exe

Congratulations, and if you would like, you can enjoy the full Ubuntu admin course !

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Compositon in JavaScript

Be sure to check out this JavaScript course.
Here is an example of Angular component using a template decorator in TypeScript:

template: '<div>Woo a component!</div>',
export class ExampleComponent {
constructor() {
console.log('Hey I am a component!');

In JavaScript a decorator can be viewed as a composite with only one component and it isn’t intended for object aggregation. Here is the  Decorator pattern in action:

const setTemplate = (component) => {
// override
component.template += '<p>new information</p>';

const component = {
template: "<div>hello</div>",
setTemplate(component); // pass the whole object to the setTemplate function


Enter Mixins:
They find good usage base for object aggregation as well as inside of multiple components, at the same time have some drawbacks:

const externalLib = {
// ... other functions we use
setTemplate: () => { console.log('overriding...'); } // overriding function

Introducing partial composition using inheritance mixin:

const myComponent = Object.assign(
Properties of the target object are overwritten by properties of the source object, if they have the same key. This way later sources' properties overwrite earlier ones.
setTemplate: () => { console.log('original'); } // initially in our object will be overriden from ExternalLib

We can update the mixin code, but this solves just half way the problem, as this time our function will overwrite the externalLib functionality:

const myComponent = Object.assign({}, externalLib, {
setTemplate: () => { console.log('overriding externalLib...'); } // when composing objects using .assign() last properties take precedence

Composition: solving the override (fragile base) problem

const externalLib = {
// ... other functions we use
setTemplate: () => { console.log('overriding original...'); } // overriding function

const myComponent = {
setTemplate: () => { console.log('original'); },


This way our object contains, rather than mixes, the library object. And now there's no more fragile base problem.

Piping example, keep in mind that it is mutable or mutates the properties of the composed object:
const pipe = (...funcs) => initialArg => funcs.reduce((acc, func) => func(acc), initialArg);

const setTemplate = () => {
return "<div>hello</div>"

const setName = key => arg => {
return `${arg} + ${key}!`;

const Component = pipe(

const component = Component();

Updating the piping using states, making the state immutable:

const pipe = (...funcs) => initialArg => funcs.reduce((acc, func) => func(acc), initialArg);

const setTemplate = (state = {}) => { // create a state on the first run
return { // return copy of the state object (immutability!)
change: inputTemplate => { // template is input parameter
state.template = InputTemplate;
return state;

const setLogin = (state = {}) => { // receive the state as parameter or if not create an empty one
return {
login: () => {
console.log('Logged in!')

const createComponent = (name, template) => { // factory function
const component = { name, template } // initial object
return pipe(

let component = createComponent('hello_user', '<div></div>');
console.log("initial: " + JSON.stringify(component));

let newState = component.change("! new template !"); // immutable change creates a new object
console.log('changed to' + JSON.stringify(newState));
console.log('original component' + JSON.stringify(component));

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Kubernetes in Ubuntu - Ingress

(part of the Kubernetes course):

microk8s.kubectl get all --all-namespaces
// enable registry
microk8s.enable registry
//check /etc/hosts
//enable usage of secure registry in /etc/docker/daemon.conf
// enable dns
microk8s.enable dns
// enable ingress service/controller
microk8s.enable ingress
// verify if it is running
microk8s.kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
// microk8s.kubectl describe  pod  nginx-ingress-microk8s-controller-pn82q  -n ingress
create 2 deployments with different names each pointing to different app version
docker build -t localhost:32000/php_app:v1 .
docker build -t localhost:32000/php_app:v2 .
push the images into registry
docker push localhost:32000/php_app:v1
docker push localhost:32000/php_app:v2
apply the 2 deployments
microk8s.kubectl apply -f deployment_web1.yaml
microk8s.kubectl apply -f deployment_web2.yaml
apply 2 services to expose the deployments
microk8s.kubectl apply -f service_web1.yaml
check if they have valid endpoints:
microk8s.kubectl get ep
microk8s.kubectl get pods -o wide
create ingress resource:
microk8s.kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml
check the ingress1: microk8s.kubectl get ingress
check the ingress2: microk8s.kubectl logs -n ingress daemonset.apps/nginx-ingress-microk8s-controller
set /etc/hosts to point localhost to the ingress address.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Docker Basics + Security

Here are answers to common questions from the Docker for web developers course.

difference between image and build
using FROM:image_name - docker compose will run a container based on that image
using build: docker compose will first build an image based on the Dockerfile found in the path specified after the build: option, or inside the context: option, and then run a container based on the resulting image. Inside the build: we can specify image: option which will name and tag the built image. Example:
build: ./
image: webapp:tag
This results in an image named webapp, tagged tag

why we do: apt-get clean or npm cache clean?
The cache of apt, makes it not aware of new apt installs inside the docker image! If we install packages with apt install we immediately(&&) have to do apt clean afterwards or use: && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* Reason: Next time when we add a new package to be installed in the container docker will use the apt cached layer and won't be able to detect the changes and install the package version. We can use docker history command to see the different layers of the docker container creation.

optimizing image size: Docker images are structured as a series of additive layers, and cleanup needs to happen in the same RUN command that installed the packages. Otherwise, the deleted files will be gone in the latest layer, but not from the previous layer.

why we copy package.json from our host directory to the container?
We first COPY the dependency lists (package.json, composer.json, requirements.txt, etc.) to the container in order for Docker to cache the results of the npm install that follows. This way when changing other parts of the container configuration and re-building it, docker will not rebuild all the dependencies, but use the cached ones. At the same time, if we change a line inside the dependencies list file, all the dependencies will be re-installed, because they now form another different cached layer inside of docker.

Then why we copy just package.json and not all source files of the project, saving them in one docker layer? Because if we make a change to just one of our source files - this would bust the docker cache and even though the required packages had not changed they'll need to be re-installed (npm/composer install).
For this reason we:
1) copy the dependency list
2) install dependencies so they will be cached
3) copy our source files

combining commands
We can combine multiple lines from RUN and COPY commands into one line this will create only one layer which will be cached for later lookup. Also instead of using ADD, we can use: COPY to transfer files from image to image

multiple builds
For having development, build and test stage we can use target build in the compose file like:
then we can build a specific target with: docker build app:prod --target prod
This will build just the section prod from the docker-compose file, and will tag it with app:prod
The same can be done for a development environment:
app:dev --target dev

- a named volume will be created entirely inside the container and is suitable for storing persistent information inside of the container such as database data.
- a bind mount (pointing outside of the container) is used for information, residing on our local machine. When it is good to use bind mounts? - they allow us not to copy our source code to the container, but to use the local code files, such as local development files.

version: "3.8"
    image: nginx:alpine
      - type: volume # named volume
        source: dbdata # link to created volume inside of container
        target: /data # inside of container
      - type: bind # bind mount
        source: ./static # local directory
        target: /app/static # inside of container
  dbdata: #create volume inside of container
Note: anonymous volumes
They are the same as the named volumes, but don't have a specified name.
During the build phase the named volumes are created inside the container.
In the run phase bind mounts will overwrite the freshly created container contents: the name bind will copy the local directory name bind over the container named/anonymous volume overwriting its contents. In such cases anonymous volumes can be used to preserve certain container sub-directories from being overwritten at runtime from host directories:
      - '.:/app' # bind mount - copy the local host dir into container at runtime
      - '/app/node_modules' # anonymous volume - preserve container built /node_modules at runtime

Why we would like /node_modules to be rebuilt inside the container, and not copied directly from our host? Because the container libraries might be based on a different image distribution than our host. For example, if we run a project on Windows OS and creating a container for the project, based on a Linux distribution image the contents of /node_modules might be not the same for Linux and Windows OS. The solution in those cases is to place /node_modules inside of .git_ignore file. This way the libraries inside /node_modules will be rebuilt from scratch inside of the container, and they will get their own proper versions, based on the Linux image, that are different from the host installation.

environment variables
In the docker-compose file outside of the build phase, we can use pre-made published images and transfer variables to the image using the environment: section. The second benefit of this technique is that there is no need to rebuild the container, but just change the variables and restart the container in order for it to get the changes. Inside the build phase, the container uses ARGs to receive external variables.

Example 1
version: '3'
    build: # note: we are in build phase
      context: ./
      USER_VAR: 'USER1' # setup the USER_VAR variable
# note: if there is alredy USER_VAR inside the alpine image (used in the Dockerfile)
# it will overrite the USER_VAR and show instead

FROM alpine
# note accessing the USER_VAR after the FROM line !
ARG USER_VAR # access the docker-compose set USER_VAR
RUN echo "variable is: $USER_VAR" # echo on screen

Example 2
version: '3'
    build: # note: we are in build phase
      context: ./
      USER_VAR: ${ENV_USER_VAR} # setup the USER_VAR variable from .env file

FROM alpine
ARG USER_VAR # access the docker-compose set USER_VAR
RUN echo "variable is: $USER_VAR" # echo on screen
Example secrets:

Optionally we can create named secrets from .txt files:
docker secret create mysql_root_password ./db_root_password.txt
docker secret create db_password ./db_password.txt 
docker secret ls
version: '3.1'

     image: mysql:8
       - db_data:/var/lib/mysql # using persistant volume inside the container
       MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/mysql_root_password
       MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress
       MYSQL_USER: wordpress
# read the password from memory and set the container environment variable 
       MYSQL_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/db_password 
       - mysql_root_password # enable access to the in-memory secrets 
       - db_password # enable access to the in-memory secrets

#  Docker mounts the db_password.txt file under /run/secrets/db_password  
     file: db_password.txt #read the password from db_password.txt file in-memory filesystem
# note: if a container stops running, the secrets shared to it are
unmounted from the in-memory filesystem and flushed from the node’s memory. 
     file: mysql_root_password.txt

    db_data: # creating persistant volume inside the container

non-root environment
Keep in mind that the Docker daemon starts with full root privileges in order to create networking, work with namespaces, open ports etc...
Then for each service/container created it uses the created service UID and exports it outside of the container. This way worker/service UIDs inside of the container are mapped to non-root UIDs inside of the host.
The special UID 0 in the container can perform privileged operations in the container. This means that if a container gets compromised and an attacker gains a root account inside of the container this is equal to the host root account. So it is good to use a non-root account for the following reasons:
- a non-root cannot read or write to system files, create users, read memory secrets, etc.
- memory secrets could be only read by the user who created them.

web servers
Some software (Nginx, Apache) already has one master node running at maximum privileges(root) for administrative purposes, and worker nodes for running user applications (web sites) with non-root privileges.
The same way applications developed in nodejs, angular, express, as processes in Linux, run with the privileges of the calling user.

Apache web server is having 1 master process which is owned by root,
then spawns child-processes(workers) for serving web pages, which are configured to run as user 'www-data':
ps -aef --forest|grep apache2
root  /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data  /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
Keep in mind that when running Apache with non-root user (www-data) the default port 80 will not be allowed to be opened by the Apache because port 80 as all ports below 1024 are blocked to be assigned by non-root users by default inside of Unix environments. So you'll need to choose to open up a port that is greater than 1024.

dockerhub images
One must note that the predefined official images from dockerhub use root permissions for their installation process. In a container context, valid usage of running commands with root privileges is when we would like to perform system administration activities such as:
- run npm for updating the npm version: RUN npm i npm@latest -g
- install software inside the image with apt and other package managers
- copy files from outside to the inside of the container
- create and set up a 'non-root' user
- set correct permissions for application project directories such as /var/www/html/app etc. using chown and chmod
- setup/change webserver configuration
Note: following the above-described process, when the official image installation completes (unless specified otherwise such as using the USER command inside of docker-compose), the created container/service ends up having root permissions.

In such cases, in order to create a non-root environment, we can divide the docker-compose configuration file into 2 phases:
1) build-time dependencies:
to prepare the project's main installation directory, set up local 'non-root' user, set proper project directory permissions with chown in order our 'non-root' to be able to access it. -> ALL done with root permissions
2) run-time dependencies:
When the system environment is ready we can perform project-specific packages installations and customizations. We switch to a 'non-root' user (example: USER node) and install project packages using the current 'non-root' running user. Example: 
USER node RUN npm install

web development case
If we would like to develop locally on our host and then using our data inside the container via a bind mount:
1) we can first create a non-privileged user inside our container.
2) Then we need to match our local user UID to be the same as the container user UID. Reason: the freshly created container user might receive by the OS another UID which will not match our local user ID and prevent us to work correctly with files.
1) We can specify and pass the UID from .env file to the service/container in the docker-compose file
2) Then pass the UID via ARGs from the compose file to the Dockerfile in order to achieve the same UID inside and outside the container.
Details: To specify the user that we want a service to run as, in the docker-compose.yml we can directly set user: uid:gid or: we can set variables in .env file: UID=1000 GID=1000 and then use the variables inside docker-compose use user like: "${UID}:${GID}"

more on security: If Apache runs as under www-data group, then the group www-data should be able to read+traverse user directories such as var/www/html/user_dir and read their files.
So for the directories, we set the following permissions: owner: rwx, group:rx (a group can traverse directories, and a developer can also create and update files), and for the files: - owner:rw, group r (developer reads and writes, apache interprets PHP (reads the file)). All other users are with denied permissions:
0) set initial ownership of /var/www/html to the current user/developer
sudo chown -R $USER:www-data /var/www/html
1) user www-data(apache) can only read files(+r) and directories(+rx)
sudo find /var/www/html -type d -exec chmod g+rx {} +
sudo find /var/www/html -type f -exec chmod g+r {} +

2) user/developer is able to read and create directories, as well as read/update/, write files.
We prevent the user from executing files(such as .php or other directly on the host (not on web). When the .php files are being requested on the web - Apache will handle the.
sudo chown -R USER /var/www/html/
sudo find /var/www/html -type d -exec chmod u+rwx {} +
sudo find /var/www/html -type f -exec chmod u+rw {} +

3) revoke access for other users
 sudo chmod -R o-rwx /var/www/html/

4) set default permissions for newly created files& directories

chmod g+s .
set the group ID (setgid) on the current directory - all newly created files and subdirectories will inherit the current group ID, rather than the group ID of the user creator.

use a specific version of the image instead of :latest
It is better to install an image specific version, so the newly created container will stay immutable and not induce problematic changes when the image changes its versions for example from ver.5 to ver.7. If we use :latest, we cannot be sure that our code will run correctly on every vendor version. So by setting a specific known version of the source image, we assure that our configuration/application/service will work on the chosen version.

If your containers reside on the same network (by default) docker-compose will automatically create a network for the containers inside the compose project and they will be able to access all the listening ports of other containers via their service name as DNS hostname. The default created network driver is overlay/bridge. If containers span multiple hosts, we need an overlay network to connect them together.

'depends_on' is to be able to have somewhat control over the order of the creation of containers.

RUN apt-get update vs RUN [ "apt-get", "update" ]
1st will use shell /bin/sh to run the command, 2nd will not (for images without bash shell)

Multi-stage builds

PRODUCTION: using local-dev project files and building dependencies inside the container
# 1st stage
FROM composer AS builder
COPY composer.* /app # copy local app dependencies into the container /app directory

RUN composer install --no-dev # build project dependencies in container's /vendor folder in order container to build its own dependencies excluding dev-dependencies

# 2nd stage
FROM php:7.4.5-apache as base # start a new build stage with the php-apache image as its base
RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli
# Note: COPY copies just the built artifact from previous stage to a new stage.
COPY --from=base ./ /var/www/html/ # copy our local project files inside the container using the base stage COPY --from=builder /app/vendor /var/www/html/vendor/ # from the composer stage copy the pre-build vendor folder to the container

version: '3.7'
   build: .
     target: base # we just run the build phase only when the target is base
                  # i.e. don't need to rebuild the 1st stage of the build (composer install)
     - 80:80
     - ./:/var/www/html # getting bind mount inside of the container to local development directory
/var/www/html/vendor # preserving container's built dependencies from being overwritten by bind mount

DEVELOPMENT: using both local-dev project files and dependencies (we need to manually install dependencies using composer install)
FROM php:7.4.5-apache as base # start a new build stage with the php-apache image as its base
RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli
# Note: COPY copies just the built artifact from previous stage to a new stage.
COPY ./ /var/www/html/ # copy our local project files inside the container using the base stage
version: '3.7'
   build: .
     - 80:80
     - ./:/var/www/html # getting bind mount inside of the container to local development directory

Separating build and runtime dependencies using stages:

1st stage - build:
FROM node AS build
WORKDIR /usr/src/app # created / bind-mount volume inside the compose file
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install # install the app package dependencies
COPY . ./src # copy generated code into the container
2nd stage - serve the generated .js & html files
FROM nginx:alpine 
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY --from build /usr/src/app/build /usr/share/nginx/html

Production vs Development environment

FROM php:7.4-fpm-alpine as base FROM base as development
# build development environment

FROM base as production COPY data /var/www/html # copy into the container the generated source files


php-dev: build: .
  target: development ports: - "9000:9000"

php-prod: build: .
  target: production ports: - "9000:9000"


  - ./:/var/www/html

docker build . -t app-dev --target=development
docker build . -t app-prod --target=production


How to inspect containers:
Here is how to inspect the open ports inside of both MySQL and Apache containers.
1) we need to get get the running container process id:
docker container ls (to get the container_id)
docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' <container_id>
2) having the container process_id run netstat inside the container namespace:
sudo nsenter -t <container_process_id> -n netstat
which will show us which ports are open for connections from outside world to the container.
If needed you can also start a temporary shell in the container: docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash and try to analyze what is happening: i.e missing file/directory permissions with ls -la, check the container logs etc..., like when you are running the Apache server locally. For example you can easily check on which port Apache server is running with: sudo netstat -anp | grep apache2 , sudo lsof -i -P | grep apache2 , or cat /etc/apache2/ports.conf Then having the right port update your docker container configuration: delete and rebuild the container.

Enable / disable PHP extensions:
It is possible with: RUN docker-php-ext-install name_of_extension
Note: some extensions require additional system libraries to be also installed. For exmaple for the zip library you need to run on the same line before php-ext-install...: apt-get install libzip-dev zlib1g-dev;
How to import database from local drive into a mariadb/mysql database:
If the container is already present, execute the following commands: docker exec -i mysql8 mysql -udevuser -pdevpass mysql < db_backup.sql
or docker exec -i mysql8 sh -c 'exec mysql -udevuser  -pdevpass' <  db_backup.sql
Of course, you can just mount a local database (bind mount) to be used within the container with: docker run  -v /var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mysql8

How to create tables inside of a mysql container?
You can create a sample table with the help of php:
$sql = "CREATE TABLE MyTable (
firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
email VARCHAR(50),
reg_date TIMESTAMP
if ($conn->query($sql)===TRUE) {   echo "Table MyTable created successfully"; }
How to copy a local folder from /var/www/html/folder_name to folder html inside a docker container?
COPY /var/www/html/folder_name  /app  

How to create a persistent volume and link the container to use it?
FROM php:7.4-apache
COPY --chown=www-data:www-data  . /var/www/html # we copy the current directory contents into /var/www/html directory inside of the container

version: '3.8'
    build: ./  # use the above dockerfile to create the image
      - 8080:80
       - type: volume
         source: phpdata
         target: /var/www/html

How can you dockerize a website and then run the containers on another server?
First create a backup of the current container images and their content:
1) commit the changes made so far in the container: docker commit container_id backup_image_name
2) save the image to your local(node) machine: docker save backup_image_name > backup_image.tar
On the second server restore the image via:
1) docker load < backup_image.tar
2) start a container/s using the backup_image
Please not that if you have bind mounts (or volumes that reside outside of the container), you need to backup them manually!

How to install phpmyadmin?
docker-compose.yml file:
     image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin:latest
     env_file: .env
       PMA_HOST: db
       - 3333:80
.env file:
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD = the password from the MYSQL installation

How to use local domains to access the container like domain.local?
You can start a NEW container from an image specifying -h (hostname option): docker run -h domain.local

How to forward localhost:8000 to
You can create an Nginx reverse-proxy container, which will expose your service container when browsing the Nginx container at port 80. Let's suppose you have a "web" service defined inside a docker-compose.yaml file.
1) Nginx configuration
server {
  listen 80;
  listen [::]:80; # listen for connections on port 80
  server_name web-app.localhost;
  location / {
    proxy_pass http://web:80; #web is the name of the service(container) you would like to expose, 80 is the port, the service is listening on
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
2) Dockerfile image configuration:
FROM nginx
COPY default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/
3) create an entry in hosts file pointing to web-app.localhost
You can now browse: http://web-app.localhost

Congratulations and enjoy the Docker course !

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