Friday, July 17, 2020

Permissions inside and outside of Docker containers

References: Docker for web developers course.

1) In Dockerfile, when building a container:
Inside the Dockerfile we can fix the container directory permissions: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/nginx ->in order to let nginx to function properly

volumes & not empty dir -> files are copied from the dir to volume
bind mount & not empty dir -> if there are files they stay, nothing is being copied from the bind mount point

2) In docker-compose.yml

- volumes (volume:/var/lib/myslq) inherit the permissions and ownership from the user created the image - usually root.

- bind mounts (/my/own/datadir:/var/lib/mysql) - the permissions and ownership are the same as the directory on your host.

Even if in the Dockerfile we have: USER node or in docker-compose is specified user: "node:node", the local directory will be mounted preserving its UID:GID in the container, ignoring the USER directive.

Special case: when doing bind-mount and the uid in container != uid on host:
Solution is to change the ownership of the local dir before building the container and creating the bind with the same user/group: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/nginx
There is a catch: when local uid <> container uid in the container then we will have mismatched permissions. We can solve this problem using UID/GID synchronization:
// optional
Check the user running the container from the dockerhub image: USER directive.
id -u
Check the container user to which group belongs (find its UID)
cat /etc/passwd | grep nevyan
id, groups, grep nevyan /etc/group
// end optional

1) Check the user which runs the server inside the container
ps aux | grep apache(server_name)
2) When having proper UID:GID, we again use chown but this time not with user/group names, but with UID:GUIDs

MySQL example: By default the MySQL image uses a non-root user with uid=1001. If we try to bind mount a local /var/lib/mysql (MySQL data directory not owned by UID 1001), to a non-root docker container - this will fail. Since user 1001 (from the container) needs to perform read/write operations to our local directory.
Solution: change the local directory permissions with numeric UID/GID expected by the container: sudo chown -R 1001 /my/own/datadir

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