Thursday, April 07, 2022

Install Laravel Sail on Windows


10 Steps to install Laravel Sail and start developing web applications under WSL:

1. from Turn Windows features on and off:

choose Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL) -> and restart the system

2. update the kernel of WSL from

3. set the default version to 2: wsl --set-default-version 2

4. install from Microsoft Store: Ubuntu

open Command prompt, and type ubuntu

5. Update the ubuntu system:

sudo apt-update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y

6. Setup Docker: Install Docker Desktop

Go to Settings(icon) then check: General->Use the WSL2 based engine, as well as

Resources->WSL INTEGRATION-> enable integration with my default WSL distro, check also Ubuntu and restart the Docker Desktop app.

7. run inside Ubuntu: curl -a | bash

8. start the containers with: ./vendor/bin/sail up

9. you can browse:

10. in another terminal of Ubunu run: code .

so that you can edit your files inside Visual Studio Code.


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