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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Skaffold on microk8s kubernettes

Here is how to install configure and use microk8s with skaffold, step by step. Based on the Kubernetes course:


curl -Lo skaffold && sudo install skaffold /usr/local/bin/

create the initial project skaffold configuration:

skaffold init 

create alias to kubectl for skaffold to be able to use it :  

sudo snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl

provide microk8s config to skaffold:

microk8s.kubectl config view --raw > $HOME/.kube/config

update the pod configuration to use the image from microk8s:

image: localhost:32000/php-app 

(add localhost:32000...)

enable microk8s registry addon: 

microk8s.enable registry
then test the registry if it works: http://localhost:32000/v2/

run skaffold monitoring by providing repo to the insecure microk8s repo:

skaffold dev --default-repo=localhost:32000
Check if the pod is running:

kubectl get pods

Expose the pod ports to be browsable:

kubectl port-forward pod/skaffold-pod 8080:4000

Optional: In case we need to debug inside the container:   

docker run -ti localhost:32000/php-app:latest /bin/bash

Congratulations and enjoy the course !

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