Sunday, September 27, 2020


Refresh tokens are helpful stateless technology, because they have longer time of expiry than the secure tokens, and can be used to send requests back to the server for reissuing of normal secure tokens. 

The primary aim of a refresh token is to regenerate the authentication for the user in such way, that the user doesn't need to manually re-login into the system.

The flow of using refresh together with secure tokens is the following: Initially we're making a request containing valid combination of user/password payload to a server. After performing checks the server is generating and returning to us a pair of secure and refresh tokens. It is sending the refresh token as an http only cookie, which cannot be read or modified by the browser. Later in the process of work, when the secure token is about to expire we use the cookie containing the refresh token information to make request to the server. The server checks its validity in its database and sends back to the client a new pair of refresh secure tokens. 

In summary we use refresh tokens when our access token is expired, and we would like to renew it as well as to renew the refresh token. That is why it has longer expiration time than the access token. Keep in mind that, when the refresh token is expired we need to manually re-login the user. For the technical implementation of refresh tokens is very good if you manage to place the refresh token inside of http-only cookie, because on the client side JavaScript and other techniques cannot exploited to modify this type of cookie. In rare cases, if attackers send a refresh request to the server they cannot get the newly issued secure token. If you would like to increase the security of the generated tokens you can also include browser and os fingerprinting inside of the token payload. 

For the authentication server it is good it can perform the following specific actions: to be able to generate access and refresh tokens to revoke tokens(to delete the refresh token). When a refresh token is generated it usually goes through the following process: check whether there is an user id in the internal database with a token, check the validity of the token, check the number of tokens for this user: how many they are, because one user can generate and overflow our database and this is also a type of an attack. When everything is ready we can save the newly generated token into our database.


Access token is used when performing service requests

secret key is stored both in the server and in the JWT payload:
const Token = jwt.sign(
{ user: myUser }, // payload
{ expiresIn: '30d' }
on client side resides in local storage


1) Client side authentication - POST request to get the token:
payload: {

Bearer: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwMSIsIm5hbWUiOiJKb2huIERvZSIsImlhdC

2) Client side: request + Authorization header
fetch(url, {
        method: 'GET',
        withCredentials: true,
        credentials: 'include',
        headers: {
            'Authorization': bearer,

request service with the token:
3) Server side authorization -
// const token = req.get('Authorization');
// token = token.slice(7, token.length);

(req,res)=>res.send(‘info’)); // secret information


Refresh token is used when access token is expired in order to produce new access and refresh tokens.

  • has longer expire time than the access token, if expires the user is logged out.
  • on client side resides in httponly cookie, so client cannot modify it (attacker cannot get the new JWT refresh token)
  • includes browser fingerprint for extra security

The auth server can perform specific actions:

  • generate new access and refresh tokens
  • refresh tokens:
    •  check the user_id from the http transmitted refresh token cookie against internal refresh tokens list in order to regenerate new access & refresh tokens:
      • check refresh token validity (by comparing user_id inside the issued token list for the requested user)
      • prune the number of generated refresh tokens (because the user can be logged in from different devices)
      • save in a db the generated refresh tokens
  • revoke token (delete refresh token)

The practical implementation of both JWT secure and refresh tokens can be seen in these 2 courses:

Angular with PHP and JSON web tokens (JWT)

JavaScript User Authentication Login Script (JWT)


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