Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Deploy Angular app to Vercel and Firebase for free

Here is how to do it very quickly:


For Firebase you'll need to install the following schematics:
ng add @angular/fire

then just do:
ng deploy

you'll be probably asked to authenticate with password in browser, and then your project will be on Internet.

If you would like to youse serverless functions for NodeJS interpretation here is the way:
sudo npm install -g firebase-tools 

firebase init functions

This will install and initialize the functions. Then go to the newly created /functions directory and install your packages such as: npm install nodemailer cors etc.

And now is time to edit the auto-generated index.js file.

When you are happy with the generated function you can deploy it, just run from the same directory: 

firebase deploy

For Vercel, after the registration just link your github repository to Vercel. You can see/edit your current local git configuration with:

git config --local -e

To link the remote origin of your repository to the local git repo use: 

git remote add origin  https://github.com/your_username/project.git

if there is something on the remote site, you can overwrite it with the local version using:
git push --set-upstream origin master -f

or just pull and merge the remote version: git pull origin master

Then just do your commits and when pushing you'll have a new version synchronized in Internet.

Congratulations and enjoy the: Angular for beginners - modern TypeScript and RxJS course!

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