Tuesday, November 26, 2019

One way data binding in JavaScript

Alright, since two-way data binding is often used in Angular, React and Vue and at the same time, not everyone likes it. I think that simple one-way data binding when writing JavaScript code is actually beneficial. More intriguing JavaScript aspects you can discover inside the JavaScript for beginners - learn by doing course.

What is one-way data binding: simply-said we would like the moment we change our data variable (model) this change to reflect immediately inside our generated HTML. Let's take a look at this example:
We have two span elements with two data bindings quote1 and quote2. You may consider them as just ids:
<span data-binding="quote1"></span>
<span data-binding="quote2"> </span>

Then we create the HTML change function (render) that will grab the element that is passed as a "property" parameter and will change its innerHTML based on what is inside the same property, taken from a special state object. This way effectively changing the HTML based on a passed parameter.

const render = property => {
document.querySelector(`[data-binding="${property}"]`).innerHTML = state.property;

Now to the main function setState. Its goal is to create a Proxy around a passed state obect, and whenever property of an object inside this state changes (i.e. user puts information inside (set)), the proxy will perform certain things, such as: setting the updated value inside the property, as well as using the previously defined render function to update the HTML view):

const setState = state => {
return new Proxy(state, {
set(target, property, value) { // detect if there are changes inside the property of a certain object
target.property = value; // updates the value of the property
render(property); // renders the HTML with the updated property to the screen

Now lets set an initial state:
const state = setState({
quote1: 'Initial quote state.'

Once it is set we can display the initial state on the console: console.log(state.quote1);

We can now try to modify some properties inside the Proxy state:
state.quote1 = 'quote1 new state';
state.quote2 = 'quote2 new state';
and see how their updated changes are reflected on the browser HTML.

You now may use the Proxy design pattern for your projects. 



JavaScript for beginners - learn by doing

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