Monday, February 05, 2007

Clear acne with honey

Acne is a skin problem and usually begins in both sexes during puberty. One of the reasons that cause acne is the hormonal change that occurs at this age. It is often being observed as black spots on the face, neck and back skin pores.
Often, followed by an additional infection acne leads to the formation of pus pimples.
Acne is stressful for kids, as in this period of rapid growth psychological changes related to anger and hot-tempered are usually observed.

Careful when treating!
When treated improperly acne can lead to serious disturbances. So it is prohibited to squeeze the pimples, especially those residing on the face. Young people must know that such actions could affect the central body's nervous system and lead to meningitis.
The underlining reason behind this is that the skin veins flow into the brain vessels called sinusitis. This way when psychically pressing the pimples the pus can easily go from the veins to the sinuses and then to the structural brain veins.
Incorrect skin treatment also hides another problem - an infection called sepsis which affects the whole organism. Both meningitis and sepsis are life-threatening, but it is important to know that when treated properly the Vulgaris and Juvenilis forms of acne could be easily avoided.

What honey products give good results when treating acne?
Masks with pure nectarine bee honey
It is recommended to buy honey directly from the producer and not form the store. Also do not try to liquidize an already crystallized one, because this might diminish its healing properties. Just know that in case of skin contact at a temperature of about 36C degrees honey's thin layers will instantly liquidize and provide all of its benefits.

The procedure
Here are three honey procedures that will make your skin clear and beautiful!
  • Wash your skin with water and mild soap. It is better if the soap is honey-enriched. Dry carefully without any irritation and put a thin layer of honey upon. Wait 1 hour and gently wash with warm water. Do 2 procedures like this daily for 15 days.

  • Pimples could also be treated for a 15 day period with a 30% spirit solution of propolis.

  • Boys: 3times daily take 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with honey bloom(1kg:200gr.) 1 hour before lunch

    Girls: 3times daily take 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with honey milk(1kg:10gr.) 1 hour before lunch

Types of honey
Here is a list of popular honey types and the reasons why they are so beneficial:
  • Lime tree honey offers first-class quality - it has a light yellow color, easily goes to crystals and has a specific aroma. It is used for inhalation when fighting respiration problems. It also has a positive effect on the intestines and kidneys.

  • Acacia honey is considered as one of the best honeys - transparent, light, more liquid and with the specific acacia scent. It's suggested when having heart, intestinal problems, and inflammations occurring in women.

  • Poly floral field honey has light-amber color giving you tender aroma and taste. Another one in the family famous for its healing qualities.

  • Monofloral meadow - subdivided into transparent and semi-transparent and is used effectively in gynecology and diets.

  • The sunflower type has saturated, almost brown color with unique aroma and bitterness.

  • The tee colored chestnut type comes with a tart taste. This honey causes a stimulating effect and is also known as the man's honey because of its aphrodisiac features.
Did you know?
Inverted sugar: In fact, this is the sum of glucose and fructose, responsible for honey's quality. Best quality honey is a mix variety one having inverted sugar content of up to 80%.
Saccharose: is the plain sugar gained from sugar beet and sugar cane. Honey with an increased quantity of saccharose is a low value one. High levels of saccharose could be observed when the bees are being fed with sugar syrup, as well as when their saliva glands responsible for producing sugar from nectar are being exhausted.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Duplicate website content and how to fix it

Here I'll present a practical way on how to avoid the duplicate content penalty.

When is this penalty applied?
This kind of penalty is applied by search engines such as Google when there is an indication of two exactly the same versions of your site's content.

How can your website become a victim of such a penalty?
The modern content management systems(CMS) and community forums offer numerous possibilities of managing new content, but because of their deep structure, their URLs are very long. So search engines are unable to fully spider the site.
The solution to webmasters was to rewrite the old URL so index.php?mode=look_article&article_id=12 URL now becomes just article-12.html. As a first step, it serves its purpose, but if left like this the two URLs are going to be indexed. If we look through the eyes of a search engine we'll see same content having 2 instances and of course, the duplicate filter is raised:
I-st instance: index.php?mode=look_article&article_id=12

II-nd instance: article-12.html
Easy solution
The solution is done via the PHP language and using .htaccess Apache file.
First off we'll rewrite our URLs so they can be search-friendly. Let's assume that we've to redirect our index.php?mode=look_article&article_id=... to article-....html

Create an empty .htaccess file and place this. First, edit the code and fill in your website address. If you don't have subdomain then erase the subdomain variable also.
RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule article-([0-9]+)\.html    http://www.yourwebsite/subdomain/index.php?mode=look_article&article_id=$1&rw=on

RewriteCond %{the_request} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /subdomain/index\.php\ HTTP/
RewriteRule index\.php http://www.yourwebsite/subdomain/ [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.yourwebsite\.subdomain [nc]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://yourwebsite/subdomain/$1 [R=301,L]

  • RewriteRule article-([0-9]+)\.html http://www.yourwebsite/subdomain/index.php?mode=look_article&article_id=$1&rw=on
    Those lines allow article-12.html to be loaded internaly as index.php?mode=look_article&article_id=12
    The variable &rw=on is important for the later PHP code. So don't forget to include it.
  • RewriteCond %{the_request} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /subdomain/index\.php\ HTTP/
    RewriteRule index\.php http://www.yourwebsite/subdomain/ [R=301,L]
    These lines avoid considering index.php as a separate page thus lowering your website PR and will transfer all the PR from index.php to your domain.
  • RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.yourwebsite\.subdomain [nc]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://yourwebsite/subdomain/$1 [R=301,L]
    This will avoid duplicate URLs such as www and non-www and transfer all the requests and PR to the non-www site.

Then create file header.php and include in your website before all other files:

Put there:

if ($rw=="on") { echo "<meta content=\"index,follow\" name=\"robots\" />"; }

else { echo "<meta content=\"noindex,nofollow\" name=\"robots\" />"; }

This will point the search engine to index only the pages that will have rw flag set to on. These pages will be the previous set like article-12.html pages.

Of course, if you have access to your robots.txt file and to your root domain then you can just put the file: look_article there and you are done:
User-agenta: *

Disallow: /look_article.php

Notes: For those using CMS - check out whether your pages are still accessible using different parameters in the URL
Example: you've deleted an article with id=17 but the empty template would be still accessible producing header status 200 OK code - this will be surely recognized as a thin content from Google.
1. Find out those empty pages and give them header status 404 not found code:

header("Status: 404 Not Found");

2. Create error404.html file explaining that the user is trying to access a non-existent page.

3. Then add in your .htaccess file the custom 404 error page:
ErrorDocument 404 /your_domain_name/error404.html

This way the search engine spider won't penalize your template displaying empty information - it will now see those pages like a 404 not-found document.

The next step involves cleaning up an already indexed but duplicated website content in order to regain the search engine's trust.

Above is a sample screenshot is taken from Google Search Console Keywords report. You may ask why should we need it when we can use Firefox integrated Show keyword density function?
Well, one benefit is that this function shows specific keyword significance across your pages. Let me explain what do this means:
Suppose that you are optimizing content for the keyword 'cars'. It's a normal practice to repeat 'cars' 2-3 times, style it in bold, etc... Everything's good as long as you do it naturally. The moment you overstuff your page with this keyword it will get penalized and lose its current ranking in Google SERPS. So you have to be careful with such repetitions.Moreover in the report, you can see the overall website keyword significance. And because Google likes thematic websites it is really important for these keywords to reflect your website purpose or theme. Otherwise, you're just targeting the wrong visitors and shouldn't be puzzled by the high abandonment rate.

But, enough with the theory now let's discuss how you can fix some things up:

Check every individual webpage keyword density online via Webconfs and correct(reduce) words, that are being used over 2%. Again this % depends on your local keyword concurrency. So tolerable levels can vary up and down.

Add the 'canonical' tag to all your website pages:
< link rel="canonical" href="" />
(and make sure to specify the URL that you really prefer!). This will reveal to the search engine what your legitimate webpage is. More info:

Blogger users can achieve adding canonical with the following code at the head section in the Template:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<link expr:href='data:blog.url' rel='canonical'/>
(it will remove the parameters appended at the end of the URL such as
and specify the original authority page: )

Next to prevent duplicate references of your archive( i.e .../2009_01_01_archive.html) and label pages( i.e. /search/label/...) from getting indexed just add:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "archive"'>
<meta content='noindex,follow' name='robots'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='noindex,follow' name='robots'/>

To prevent indexing of mobile (duplicates) of the original pages:
    <b:if cond="data:blog.isMobile">
<meta content='noindex,nofollow' name='robots'/>

And working solution blocking even the /search/tags from indexing, allowing only homepage and posts to be indexed:
    <b:if cond="data:blog.pageType == "index" and data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl">
<meta content='noindex,follow' name='robots'/>

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